Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why I hate Activism

I don't belong to a political party, but I for damn sure can see when things are starting to veer off the rails.

And so it happened that I've signed a few petitions online, written letters, sent messages for organizations that address the right to own your body, wildlife conservation, separation of church and state and other vital issues.

I can certainly understand that organizations like these need constant funding, and that "spreading the word" is desirable.

However, after participating, I am often directed to a site where I can send money. Heh.
Or annoy all my friends. Heh.

And every once in a while, I get an invite to a lecture or dinner. Whoop de doo! Like this one from Naral, "Please join us for an evening of fabulous food, wine and stimulating conversation..."

Yeah, that sounds great. But I don't have $150 and am not likely to in the future.

Just like government, the little people who do what they can afford to do get ignored.
I'm sure there will be fabulous food and stimulating conversation. An opportunity to meet like-minded people one could work with on issues.

Fuckin throw us a bone! Quit asking for money, quit asking me to bother my friends, hold us a motherfuckin' PICNIC for gods sake!

It never changes. All the top drawer monied activists get wine and stimulating conversation. I wind up discussing issues at bus stops. You're more likely to encounter malt liquor than wine and fabulous food.

This is how they thank the people they want on board. Putting a price tag on it effectively shuts many of us out. The right to own your own body is an issue that many women are concerned with. Panels and seminars featuring experts in the field are stimulating and inspiring.

Maybe they'll throw me some crumbs with a report on how grand it was. Hurray. Won't that be stimulating?

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